Vote No Twice


On November 6, 2012, Minnesotans will vote on two proposed constitutional amendments: one requiring a government-issued photographic identification, showing a current address, in order to vote; and one requiring that the state recognize marriage only as a union between one man and one woman, permanently denying same-sex couples the freedom to marry in Minnesota. Upstream Arts has taken an official stance against both amendments, urging our community to vote NO in both cases, as we believe these amendments would violate important civil rights.

At first glance, the Voter ID amendment may seem harmless and even reasonable; yet for Minnesotans with disabilities (among many others), this new mandate would significantly impact their ability to participate in the election process. The amendment would create unnecessary obstacles and complicate the voting process for these individuals, likely resulting in decreased voter turnout. The Minnesota Coalition for Individuals with Disabilities has compiled a fact sheet with more information; click here to download or visit their website for more information. Upstream Arts Teaching Artist Dylan Fresco also recently launched Artists for Voting Rights, a new Facebook page dedicated to educating artists and art-lovers about the amendment and organizing to defeat it.

The consequences of the marriage amendment are more blunt and also directly impact our community. A ‘yes’ vote on this amendment would permanently and constitutionally limit the freedom of committed same-sex couples to ever marry in Minnesota, forever excluding future generations from participating in the conversation about marriage. A ‘no’ vote would not legalize marriage for same-sex couples, but would allow the robust conversation about marriage – and who should have the freedom to participate in it – to continue. Together with nearly 700 diverse organizations that have come together as Minnesotans United for All Families, Upstream Arts believes in a Minnesota that values and supports strong families and creates a welcoming environment for ALL, without discrimination. Minnesotans United for All Families has compiled numerous resources related to this amendment; click here for more information.

Minnesota thrives because of the valuable contributions of many different kinds of people. All of these people deserve equal access to basic rights. Please join us in voting NO twice this November.