Our Teaching Artists and Staff are involved in a wide range of professional projects outside of their work with Upstream Arts. Each month, we post opportunities to see their performances, exhibitions, and other events around the Twin Cities and beyond. Click on the links below to learn more about these opportunities.

Lindsey Cacich will be spending 3 weeks in Bangalore, India, writing plays with middle school students to improve their English literacy skills. Besides fulfilling a life-long dream to travel and do theater, this project is serving as field work for her M.Ed. in Youth Development Leadership. She will be traveling with Global Empowerment Theatre, based out of NYC, who partners with the Parikrma Humanity Foundation in Bangalore.

Charles Fraser is the co-director for Saint Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists‘ New Play Festival, a collection of short plays written and performed by students, performing at Penumbra Theatre on January 17. He will also be acting in Nellie at the History Theatre from January 24 – February 18.

Matt Guidry is starting rehearsals for Or by Liz Duffy Adams, directed by Leah Cooper, opening in February at Park Square Theatre.

Rachel Jendrzejewski is hosting The Stranger Stranger Supper Series, a string of performative dinners at restaurants along University Avenue in St. Paul on January 15, 22, & 23, supported by Irrigate Arts.

Matt Sciple is directing the J-Term production of Chicago at Saint Paul Conservatory for Performing Artists from January 19-20. He also will be teaching Acting One at Macalester College starting in January.