Charles Fraser and Greta Oglesby in Nellie at History Theatre
Our Teaching Artists and Staff are involved in a wide range of professional projects outside of their work with Upstream Arts. Each month, we post opportunities to see their performances, exhibitions, and other events around the Twin Cities and beyond. Click on the links below to learn more.
Jessica Finney is directing several short plays for the Minneapolis One Minute Play Festival at Mixed Blood, coming up March 3-5.
Charles Fraser continues to perform in Nellie at History Theatre through February 17. He will then be performing in The Diary of Anne Frank at Park Square Theatre from February 25 – March 22.
Matt Guidry is performing in Or by Liz Duffy Adams, “a comedic romp set in 1666 Restoration England, complete with secret agents, cross dressing, rhyming couplets, and lovers hiding in cupboards.” Directed by Leah Cooper, the show runs February 22 – March 17 at Park Square Theatre.
Ryan Hoag will be doing the cha cha for Upstream Arts as a featured star in Dancing with the Twin Cities’ Celebrities on February 22! Come cheer him on and support Upstream Arts through this marvelous night out on the town (more details here).
Rachel Jendrzejewski is one of 100+ writers contributing text to Station Nation: A National Reflection on the Station Nightclub Fire. The commemoration is being organized by playwright Erik Ehn/Brown University and will take place on February 20 in Providence, RI. She is also working on two short plays for the Minneapolis One Minute Play Festival at Mixed Blood, coming up March 3-5.
Anton Jones is writing two short plays for the Minneapolis One Minute Play Festival at Mixed Blood, coming up March 3-5.
Norah Long has launched a brand new website, with information about projects past and present, at http://norahlong.com. Check it out and let her know what you think!
Lindsey Samples is assistant directing The Seven, Will Power’s hip hop retelling of Aeschylus’ The Seven Against Thebes, with Ten Thousand Things. The piece runs February 15- March 10 at Open Book, along with various free public performances at other venues.