Don’t miss Gulliver +, dir. Lindsey Samples, at CTC this month!
Our Teaching Artists and Staff are involved in a wide range of professional projects outside of their work with Upstream Arts. Each month, we post opportunities to see their performances, exhibitions, and other events around the Twin Cities and beyond. Click on the links below to learn more. Charles Fraser is returning, for his fifth year, to perform the role of Mr. Dussel in Park Square Theatre’s The Diary of Anne Frank, March 2 – May 15. This is the sixteenth year for this weekday student matinee production, performed for school groups who are bussed in from throughout the five-state area.
Rachel Jendrzejewski is opening her latest project, In Which _______ and Others Discover the End, a multidisciplinary collaboration with performance collective SuperGroup, installation artist Liz Miller, and art rock band Brute Heart at Public Functionary. The installation will exhibit March 7 – April 10, with open rehearsals throughout the month and full performances from March 27 – April 4. Rachel also is 1 of 4 writers contributing projects for The Laureate Lounge, a participatory space accompanying the exhibit Nobel Creations: Inspired by the Nobel Prize, at the American Swedish Institute from March 7 – May 24.
Norah Long will be traveling to Hannibal, Missouri from March 13-15 to headline Bluff City Theater’s fundraising gala Hits of the Blitz. She also is closing By the Way, Meet Vera Stark at Penumbra Theatre on March 1, continuing to solo every weekend at St. Philip’s, and teaching at North Central and with Upstream Arts.
Lindsey Samples is directing Gulliver +, a new play that she has been devising at the Children’s Theatre Company with their Junior Company, based on Jonathan Swift’s best-selling book Gulliver’s Travels. The show runs March 19-22. She also is beginning rehearsals for Out of the Blue, a series of new short puppetry plays by Mad Munchkin Productions that will premiere in April.