As you probably know by now, we’re celebrating our 10th Anniversary – and we have some exciting events coming up in the new year that you won’t want to miss!
First up, on February 27 and 28, you’re invited to the 2016 VocalPoint Concert at Central Presbyterian Church in St. Paul. VocalPoint is an intense choral experience that challenges people through music to build a better world, donating 100% of concert proceeds to a worthy cause; and this year, that cause is Upstream Arts! Come experience our story in a whole new medium. Tickets will be available for purchase soon after the new year, and both concerts begin at 4pm.
Then on May 19, we’re hosting our 3rd Annual Meeting and Fundraiser, aka the big 10th Anniversary bash, at the American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis! We are cooking up so much fun for this FREE, family-friendly, arts-infused party – get ready for performances, music, artwork, delicious food, drinks, a live auction, and much more. All are welcome! The night will kick off at 6pm, with a short program happening at 7pm. An official invitation with details about how to RSVP will find you this spring.
We hope you’ll save the dates and plan to join us for both events!