UA Participants and Artists paint on stage during the HFC Art of Me performance

UA Participants and Artists paint on stage during the HFC Art of Me performance. Photo by Doug Knutson.


A huge thank you to all the amazing people in our community who have made gifts since our last update and helped us end the fiscal year with a bang!

Charles Anderson; Rochelle and Regan Cox, Andrew and Michelle Dosch; Lorissa Gottschalk and Matt O’Brien; Joe and Janet Green; Peter Grise and Eileen Hallowell; David and Jackie Guidry; Emily Gunyou Halaas on behalf of the Guthrie Theater’s production of SUNDAY IN THE PARK WITH GEORGE; Pam and Bob Herrick; Deb Holbrook; Myles Hyland; Anthony Indelicato; Amy and Andy Jendrzejewski; Gabriel Keller and Emily Sohn; Justin Lansing; Thomas J. and Mary Gerry Lee; Ellen Lynch; Dianne Metz; Marilyn and Kenneth Mounger; Julianna Muthu Jon Peterson; Holly and Ian Schramm; Harold D. and Barbara K. Smith; Gillian Spence; Lacy Suby; Becky Timm; The Graham Smith Team at Keller Williams Realty; Doug and Abby Traun; Mary Ann and John Wolters; and one anonymous donor. 

We are so grateful for everyone who contributed individual gifts in our final push of the fiscal year, whether online, by mail, or in person when attending The Art of Me: Conversation and Performance at Frey Theater. Because of your generous donations, we will continue to create vibrant events like this and bring more and more inclusive arts learning programs to individuals with disabilities.

Extra thanks to our partners for The Art of Me – Hammer Residences, Opportunity Partners, and Lifeworks Inc., as well as our venue, the Frey Theater at the University of St. Catherine, and the extraordinary artists who performed, program participants and Upstream Arts staff alike.

You are always welcome to make a tax-deductible gift online or mail a check to Upstream Arts, 3501 Chicago Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55407.

We look forward to continuing our work with your help in the coming fiscal year. THANK YOU for being part of our community!