This winter, local arts organizations Young Dance and Upstream Arts and Minneapolis Community Education are teaming up to offer The Art of (E)motion, after school arts programming for 3rd to 5th grade students with and without disabilities at Barton and Marcy Open Schools. For 9 weeks, these students work with artists and dancers from Young Dance and Upstream Arts, exploring movement and dance, theatre, music, visual arts and poetry while building social and communication skills and relationships with peers with and without disabilities. In the process, they collectively build original performances which will be presented at Barton and Marcy Open this March. Come to the culminating performances of the Art of (e)Motion to watch these students take center stage to tell their stories and express who they are through the arts. All are welcome!
Act. WRITE. dance. PAINT. sing. IMAGINE. create. SOCIALIZE. experience. Learn.
The Art (e)Motion
A collaboration of Upstream Arts, Young Dance, and Minneapolis Community Education
Two distinct performances by the students of Barton and Marcy Open Schools.
Everyone! Open to the public
March 20th, 2018 @ 6:00pm
Barton Open School, Minneapolis – Commons
4237 Colfax Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55409
(Click here for map)
March 21st, 2018 @ 6:00pm
Marcy Open School, Minneapolis – Auditorium
415 4th Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414
(Click here for map)
Tickets are suggested donation $5 at the door. Cash only. No reservation needed.
Auditoriums and restrooms are fully accessible. American Sign Language interpretation of both performances provided. Please call/email Upstream Arts for any additional access needs you have.
Phone: 612.331.4584
Email: [email protected]
This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.