As we prepare for the fall season, we’re full of gratitude for our amazing community of supporters, whose generosity is fueling the 34 residencies we are launching this autumn. Across the metro, Teaching Artists, educators, individuals with disabilities, staff, and community members will be creatively engaging, using the arts to build a more inclusive world.   

With huge thanks we acknowledge the following supporters who have contributed since our last update: 

Rochelle and Regan Cox; Robert Goodfellow in honor of Caleb Guidry; David and Jackie Guidry; Julie Guidry; Lori Jacobwith; Anton and Kelly Jones; Justin Lansing;  Jane Larson in honor of  Steve Anderson; Norah Long; Ann L. Mavis; Tabitha Montgomery; Marilyn and Kenneth Mounger; Marilyn Murphy and Shawn Harpley; Jessica and Ravi Patel in honor of Jenn Pray and Ben Metzger; David and Terri Sieplinga; Gillian Spence; The Graham Smith Team of Keller Williams Realty; Becky Timm; United Health Group Matching; Wayne and Kathy Urbaniak via the The Psalm 37:4 Zeltwanger Fund of the inFaith Community Foundation, and 3 anonymous donors.

It will take $53,364 to close the funding gap by December 31, 2019, fulfilling our commitments to residencies in schools, adult day programs, and community settings. Your investment has a powerful impact, reaching individuals of all ages and all abilities. Together, we are working towards authentic inclusion, where each person is valued, each voice is heard, and every one has the power of choice in their lives. We’re honored to share the journey with you. 

Click here to join our community of supporters today by making a tax-deductible gift in any amount.