Join us for At Home Homecoming: A Spirit Week Fundraiser of school-style festivities to support our work. 

Now more than ever, we’re looking forward to celebrating with you! We’re planning a week full of spirit-raising fun to support our new studio ACCESS online programming. Tune in for daily morning announcements with our Teaching Artists, theme days with door prizes, and classic Upstream Arts activities designed for people of all ages and abilities. And don’t forget to pick out your outfit for our live stream Homecoming Dance on the last day! 

WHAT: Upstream Arts’ At Home Homecoming: A Spirit Week Fundraiser!
WHEN: Spirit-raising activities May 19th-21st, culminating in our live stream
 At Home Homecoming Dance May 21st, 6-6:45pm
WHERE: Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook or Instagram for daily activities, and RSVP attend our live stream At Home Homecoming dance

Click HERE to check out our full Spirit Week Schedule!

Logo. Green video camera with UA spirals as film reels. The words "Give Today" in bold.

Feeling spirited? Help us reach our $20,000 goal to fund our new studio ACCESS  online programming by contributing any amount on our GiveMN page!