A Participant and Teaching Artist share a movement at the Art of Prevention

On December 5 we facillitated our first Art of Prevention Convening, bringing together an incredible room full of partners to address sexual violence prevention in creative and accessible ways.

Nearly 100 participants and staff from over 10 adult day programs joined coalition partners in sexual violence prevention as we explored consent and bodily autonomy through song, dance, rhythm, movement, and poetry. Project Manager Nora Montañez, Executive Director Julie Guidry, and Artistic Director Matt Guidry led us in conversations and artistic activities on consent, and Teaching Artists led small group discussions.

It was both joyful and invigorating as we created a vocal orchestra of “yes,” “no,” and “I can change my mind,” practiced physicalizing balance and consent in our gestures, and noticed how yes and no felt in our bodies. We were reminded how the foundations of prevention happen in the small moments and daily interactions, and that consent is an ongoing practice.

One participant asked Nora with excitement, “When do we get to do this again?” The answer is March 25, when we will hold our second Art of Prevention Convening to deepen our work together. 

Huge thanks to the Minnesota Department of Health Capacity Strengthening Grant for supporting this work. 

A Poem from The Art of Prevention

My space is not wishy-wash
Guess what? You can’t squash my consent

Don’t let your burgundy burden me

I take my time

Move my body

Through rainy rest

Take [drip] my [drip] time

We find compromise like two balanced cats

Falling in and out of support




We can hang out if we want to
We can say no if we want to

Ahhh Reba helps me clear my head

Do I want to puzzle or lay in bed

Take a doze
But don’t bulldoze

Are you ready to hear no? 


Talk to the hand – understand?

I can do what I want

I need to feel safe like wooooo

Wait! I need a minute

Check in with myself … I feel…
A pink horse roaring at a sleepy periwinkle alligator.

-Collaboratively written by Participants and Teaching Artists 
at the Art of Prevention Convening 1

A Participant dances at the Art of Prevention Training
Nora Montanez presents at the Art of Prevention Convening