Upstream Arts uses the power of the creative arts to activate and amplify the voice and choice of individuals with disabilities.

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Sign Up for Self-Advocacy Classes!

Become a part of our community that is expanding our voice and choice through the arts!

graphic of yellow hand drawn lightning bolt
Self-Advocacy classes for adults with disabilities ages 18+
Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays — February – May 2022
More details HERE.

graphic of yellow hand drawn lightning bolt

Our new 2020-2021 Annual Report is here!

Cover image for Upstream Arts Annual Report 2021: Advocacy is (an) Art
Featuring stories, financials, quotes, photos and more from a year like no other. Read about our work in this beautiful report available in accessible PDF, screen reader-friendly text, and, narrated audio. 

Read the Report

Browse our library of 30+ short arts-learning videos that you can do at home!



Julie and I created Upstream Arts because we recognized that at the core of engagement and communication is a give and take, an action and reaction, a listening and responding. We knew from personal experience that the arts were a perfect medium through which to practice these fundamental human skills.”

Matt Guidry

Co-Founder and Artistic Director

See and Be Seen: a recap of The Art of Me photography exhibit with NCSI

Our Art of Me partnership with Northeast Contemporary Services, Inc. (NCSI) this winter was two-fold: one residency culminated in a live performance (see previous blog post for the recap!) and the other culminated in a stunning photo exhibit of the participants.  The...

Recap: The Art of Me performance and photography exhibit with NCSI

On December 18, we culminated two season-long collaborations with Northeast Contemporary Services, Inc. (NCSI) with a performance and photo exhibit of The Art of Me. Through drumming, dance, theatrical scenes, and poetry, artists with disabilities took center stage in...

Coming Together Against Sexual Violence: our December Art of Prevention Convening

On December 5 we facillitated our first Art of Prevention Convening, bringing together an incredible room full of partners to address sexual violence prevention in creative and accessible ways. Nearly 100 participants and staff from over 10 adult day programs joined...

We’re hiring! Apply now to be a Teaching Artist with Upstream Arts

We're hiring!Apply now for to be a Teaching Artist Accepting applications through November 30, 2024 Upstream Arts is looking for experienced Teaching Artists of any artistic discipline to join our Teaching Artist Roster: actors, dancers, clowns, painters, musicians,...

Join us for The Art of Me performance and photography exhibit with NCSI

Join us for The Art of Me, a multidisciplinary performance co-created by Upstream Arts and NCSI on Dec 18.

A Confluence of Skill and Creativity: Fall Training with our Teaching Artists

Every year we invest in over 30-40 hours of professional development with our Teaching Artists. As highly skilled creative agents of change, Upstream Arts' Teaching Artists are foundational in our work, and we relish the annual Fall Training when we gather together as...

Join us for Feast with Friends on October 14, 2024

Celebrate Upstream Arts with good food and great company at our in-person Feast with Friends. On October 14, 2024, Upstream Arts will receive 10% of all proceeds at The Lowbrow restaurant during their Dine Out Give Back Mondays!

In Small Moments: Holding on to Joy

Last week Julie and I, along with Teaching Artist Nora Montañez, spent three days in community with 20 Special Education and arts educators from Minnesota schools. We were invited by the MN Department of Education to facilitate Upstream Arts’ training series, The Art of Instruction: Accessibility, Inclusion, and Community in the Arts Classroom. We spent our time together reflecting on what we need as educators to be comfortable, to be our best selves as teachers.

Why I take Self-Advocacy Classes: words from a Self-Advocate in our community

My voice has value. I have the right to be listened to. These are the first two themes we focus on in our Art of Self-Advocacy classes. The first two weeks of a session are all about getting to know one another, finding the rhythm of each class, and using our themes to start our dialogue about self-advocacy.

Recap: Fun and Friends at The Art of We: Are Still Celebrating

Photo credit for all images: Jason W. Bucklin Photography.It was a joy to celebrate with our community at The Art of We: Are Still Celebrating on May 21! Whether you trekked through the rain and storms to join us at the Luminary Art Center or were one of the many to...