Upstream Arts uses the power of the creative arts to activate and amplify the voice and choice of individuals with disabilities.

Sign Up for Self-Advocacy Classes!
Become a part of our community that is expanding our voice and choice through the arts!
Self-Advocacy classes for adults with disabilities ages 18+
Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays — February – May 2022
More details HERE.
Our new 2020-2021 Annual Report is here!
Featuring stories, financials, quotes, photos and more from a year like no other. Read about our work in this beautiful report available in accessible PDF, screen reader-friendly text, and, narrated audio.
Read the Report
“Julie and I created Upstream Arts because we recognized that at the core of engagement and communication is a give and take, an action and reaction, a listening and responding. We knew from personal experience that the arts were a perfect medium through which to practice these fundamental human skills.”